Your HVAC unit is arguably the most important part of your home. Your unit supplies air as necessary to keep you comfortable year-round. That’s why the initial residential HVAC installation is so important. Here’s a breakdown of how the system operates.
Residential Air Breakdown
- Air Supply – Air flows through the HVAC ducts throughout your home. The HVAC contractor will attach a collar when they initially install the furnace. The trunk duct helps stabilize the unit. It also helps reduce noise while the unit is working.
- Systems – You can choose from multiple duct systems during the residential HVAC installation. Reduced duct systems are designed to contain airspeed. Radial systems rely on outlets around your home. You can also choose an extended or loop perimeter system.
- Furnace – You’ll also have to decide on the type of furnace you want installed. Oil and wood furnaces only produce heat. You can merge the two and purchase a combination furnace. You can attach a condenser for cooling purposes. Another option is a geothermal unit, which relies on Earth’s natural heat.
- Return Air – This involves circulating air returning to the furnace. Filters help circulate clean air and prevent the unit from being polluted.
There are many parts involved in creating a functional residential air system. Hopefully, this guide gives you clarity as you prepare for residential HVAC installation. Good luck with your next project!